Wednesday 18 September 2013

Journal #12

       Sadly, I couldn't achieve my goal, I discovered/ claimed land in North America under the name of England. It was a great experience for me to glide through the ocean for months, and was the first person to set a food on Canada. Though, it might not be a big accomplishment, it was for me. I really hope that I could help the future people with my journey. 

Journal #11

  We had hardships while we were going back to England. Though we collected many foods, we didn't have enough and my crews began to starve so badly. We were into lack of food.  Our drinking waters too. They were not fresh at all. I thought we'll all die due to dehydration but that did not happen. However, few of my crews passes away from deadly insects and scurvy. Even though I was the leader on the ship, I couldn't help any of my buddies. We didn't have much useful things at the end. The weathers were turning harsh too. We suffered so much just to get back to England.

       Though I didn't bring back any goods, we were able to map out the first details of the North American Coast. I also named the place, "Newfoundland" under the name of England.

Journal #10

    As we stopped by the Island, we starting chilling. Since we were almost out of we gathered food. Firstly, we noticed how full the ocean was of beautiful fish. He lowered the basket and filled them with fish. I wasn't expecting to do fishing, so i had fun. The best thing about it was, it saved us from lack of food. 

       We also got down to the shore and went a bit inside the gigantic forest. I heard lots of beautiful animals crying as well as leaves swinging from one side to another. I have never been in such a natural place. It was fantastic! While walking around, we found some evidences of Indians, which probably were the Beothuk Indians. We didn't actually meet them but found many useful things which may have belonged to them. Therefore, we gathered those items such as beans, fruits, vegetables and clothes without any permission.   It is a shame to say this...  but before the Indians were coming back, we gathered all of the things together, we just went straight to our ships since we got  frightened. We spent many days on the Island and we decided to claim about this place to King Henry. So we went back to England.                             Beothuk Indians

Journal #9

        The voyage went very smooth but busy on the ship. All of us had a role such as to check where our location was by using technologies that we brought. Though we were busy, we were having a fun time too. Everyone couldn't wait to see a new world! We ate together, drank together, and slept together! We became really close to each other and worked very hard every day. We were not caught in the storm, just a bit of rain. Other than that, it was sunny!

     As we were sailing towards our point, we ran into an island off the coast of North America. We didn't know what the Island was called right away but our mouths were widely opened with surprise. We decided to explore the Island for a few days. 

Journal #8

     I soon got ready with my stuffs to explore the world with my son and crews! Though it took me time and gave me hard times, I don't regret about it at all.
However, I feel bad to my wife due to moving and me not concentrating on my job. But she didn't complain about it. She supported me every time I failed. I really appreciate about her kindness. I have the best wife in the world!! 
    Finally on May 2, I left Bristol with my crews hoping to discover new routes and to come back with good news! 

    This journal is going to be shorter than the others since i cant remember how i felt during these times than been excited. 


Journal #7

        I received a ship with a small vessel with 3 masts and were able to carry objects until 50 tons. I named it, the Mattew. I was also given an opportunity to sail with about 18 men, including a crew of Bristol seamen, two Bristol merchants, a Burgundian and a Genoese barber. I couldn't wait to go on a voyage! My crew and 

I also got ready with some technologies too such as Astrolabes (calculating latitudes), maps ( to know where we are), compasses ( enabled sea men to find their bearing in the fog), Cross-staffs ( used to measure the angle of the Sun  or a star above the horizon), Nocturnal and Quadrants (Measuring and timekeeping instrument), Hour glass, minute glass, Sun-dial and Almanacs ( which forecast where the sun, moon, planets are going to be).  I guess I'm ready now!!!

Journal #6

       In 1490's my family and I moved to Bristol in England. Since they rejected me, it was a perfect place to concentrate on my work such as trading. However, I was still dreaming about traveling. I couldn't give up. Therefore, I decided to give a last shot. As I really respected Christopher Columbus and his expeditions, I decided to ask the English Tudor King Henry VII and discover things under the name of England like how Columbus had done for Spain. 

        In 1496, a miracle occurred... King Henry VII had granted me the right to discover places under the England Flag!! It was the most exciting moments I have had. My new real life had started from this time on-wards.